Monday 15 November 2010

Changing Space - the shrinking world

The purpose of the changing space - the shrinking world is to identify how improving information and communications technology and transport as fundamental to all forms of global interaction.

On a sheet of A4 draw a diagram of the internet as you see it - indicate your "home"

then have a look at this -

the internet mapping project/

you can even submit your own idea here 

Friday 12 November 2010

Global Interactions - Globalisation Indexes

One of the key globalisation indices identified by the IB syllabus is the KOF index - you can read about their methods for calculating their global ranking of countries in terms of levels of globalisation and watch the animated map display how spatial patterns of globalisation have changed since 1970.

KOF globalisation index

The syllabus states that you need to be able to describe and evaluate either the KOF index or the AT Kearney index as a measure of global interation. In order to do this it would actually make sense to compare them.

 AT Kearney globalisation report 2007

Start by looking at the rankings of countries for each index. Are there significant differences in the countries ranked highest?

Then look at the methodologies used to calculate the indices and see if you can recognise the differences in the ways the countries were measured.

Finally you need to be aware of the different ways of presenting globalisation data spatially.

KOF index animated map

internet traffic

travel time to major cities